Toucan Time

Fan Sites


Please note that any/all of the links to my content (on and off-site) can/do contain NSFW content. By clicking on them, you affirm that you are of legal age in your country of residence to view NSFW/18+ content.

Features info on the many WIP series co-authored between myself and DrJJFaustus.

Website features fic, galleries, trivia/headcanons, chatroom and guestbook.

Link to me!




I’m Toucan and I eat bread and die a lot in video games. It’s a skill.



no ai webring previous next a green printed circuit board with two golden triangles pointing left and right. on the pcb is written THE NO AI WEBRING where the AI is written in the spot where a chip ought to be, but isn't


Original code by cepheus
Valid CSS3
Pixels: X