[ contains spoilers for all expansions ]

[ Basics ]

Name: Laughing Toucan, formerly Psittaca aan/oen Agrius, birthname unknown
Age: 29 (Legacy/ARR)
Gender: AFAB
Leaning: big bi

Starter City: Limsa Lominsa, Dalmascan native
Occupation: Rogues' guild associate, freelance artist, former child soldier
DoH: Blacksmith
DoL: N/A

WoL: Yes
Ancient Incarnation: Arachne
Echo Notes: Toucan's echo manifests almost violently for her. While it can be triggered to show scenes apart from her location, these instances are rare. More often than not, hers is a nigh-constant bleed of the past into the present. Overlapping events that occured in her immediate vicinity play nearly nonstop. It first manifested during her childhood, during the Garlean seige of Dalmasca. Initially, she had no way of telling what was and was not a phantom memory. However, in more recent times, she's learned enough focus to push these visions back into a kind of visual background noise. Still--it's distracting at the best and actively triggering at its worst.

[ Personality Brief ]

Amiable, Boisterous, Loud, Snappy

[ Info ]

The earliest memory Toucan has is of an altercation in a Garlean encampment. Surrounded by prisoners of war, refugees, and all manner of the displaced, she recalls trembling and clinging to an older woman for safety. When a soldier attempted to pull them apart, trying to get to the woman, it becomes a blur. After that, she remembers blood. Anything past that becomes difficult to recount.

After a officer witnesses her savage one of his men in defense of another prisoner, instead of being killed, she's taken for reconditioning and training. Willful and almost entirely mute by choice, as a jab, she's renamed for a tropical bird capable of basic speech. In time, the violence of war wears on her and she crumbles into her training. In a few years time, she becomes a keen-eyed sniper--barely functioning, save for the skill in which she handles her weapon, picking off members of the Bozjan resistance one by one in the field.

When she is eventually caught, she's nearly put to death for her crimes by her captors--who fear her revealing their location if released. However, one of the men spirits her away to safety, refusing to bloody his hands with a child. While initially hostile and suspicious of his motives, she eventually opens up again in his care, blossoming into the obnoxious, self-assured woman she becomes as an adult. While most of her own past elludes her, she knows firmly of her Dalmascan roots and with scars still fresh from her time in the imperial army, she begs to join him in his efforts to undermine the empire.

When arriving in Eorzea, they part for the first time in over ten years, spreading their forces to cover more ground--he to Ul'Dah and she to Limsa Lominsa.