[ contains spoilers for all expansions ]

[ Basics ]

Name: Mihalo Azora
Age: 57 (Legacy/ARR)
Gender: AMAB
Leaning: Kinsey 5

Starter City: Ul'dah, Bozjan native
Occupation: Reader of Fortunes and Futures, by appointment only.
DoH: Goldsmith
DoL: Miner

WoL: Yes
Ancient Incarnation: Promethea

[ Personality Brief ]

Empathetic, Mirthful, Patient, Protective

[ Info ]

Once a concubine in a harem for Bozjan nobility, with the fall of his nation, he joined the resistance, only to be captured by Garlean forces and placed in a work camp. When he was finally able to escape, he redoubled his efforts in the resistance--however when his cell was threatened under sniper fire, upon capture of the Garlean operative and discovering them to be a very young teenage girl, when his fellows began entertaining the idea of killing her to avoid revealing their camp to enemy forces, Mihalo, unable to even consider the idea of killing a literal child, absconded with the girl.

Since then, the two have become inseperable, and in coming out of her shell, the young Dalmascan native has joined him in the fight against the empire. Eventually their work leads them to Eorzea...